Sunday, April 29, 2012

Ahhh...Cemetery Sweet Cemetery

For as long as I can remember, I've loved cemeteries...yeah, that's right...I have a thing for cemeteries.  Not in a creepy, I want to hang out there in the dark sorta love, but a love for the peacefulness and beauty that can be found there. 

I have many fond memories of hanging out with friends in cemeteries (respectfully of course), visiting family graves with my parents, and taking walks to feed the ducks in the city cemeteries where I've lived. 

Reading the stones is a favorite past time, as I always wondered about the story behind those whose names are forever engraved in granite and marble.  And the stones are often incredible pieces of art in themselves, hand carved by individuals that will never get credit for their masterpieces.

When I was younger and spoke about my fondness of cemeteries, people always looked at me as if I were crazy, or perhaps I was a vampire...though I always thought how strange THEY were for not liking to visit these lovely places.  They are like large peaceful zen gardens or art exhibits that are free to visit.

This past week was extra stressful (I have a pimple to prove pimple at 41 must be Mother Nature's not funny Mother Nature) so I decided I needed some quiet time and headed to our local cemetery for a lunch time walk....Ahhh peace and quiet at last!!  I saw some lovely sights that helped to fill my "cup" and get me through the rest of the week.

Here are some sights from my lunch break...
Such a beautiful angel...

 These "cat paws" where only growing in front of one women's stone...I wondered if in her lifetime she was a cat lover? 
An Orange-Belted Bumble Bee with an sweet lil heart

Angels are known as protectors.  These huge branches feel around this angel without damaging it...I was in awe when I saw this and the picture still gives me goosebumps.

This lil bee looks as if she's been blessed with angel wings

Do any of you have enjoy visiting cemeteries?  If you haven't been to one for a visit, perhaps this post will tempt you to take a walk in one...they are full of peace, art, and history..what more could one ask for!!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

My View from Work

I thought that you'd all enjoy the view I have from my desk at work.  I've been blessed to see the seasons change and the daily happenings of our little town from this window.

This week, spring has sprung and the trees are starting to bloom.  I loved to see the daily changes to the trees across the street.

Hope you all enjoy my view!

The Post Office Cupola

Such a lucky shot as this car just happened to be driving through town at the right moment!

I love blossoms!!

Have a GREAT Saturday Everyone!! :D

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Crazy Buzy Life

I'm beginning to wonder if I'm the only one who loses track of time...not minutes of time, but chunks of time.  Life just seems to zoom by at lightning speed.  One day it's monday, and blink, it's the next monday, making I wonder if I've pulled a Rip Van Winkle.

There are days that I look at my children and wonder when they grew so much, and how I missed it since I'm with them everyday...sigh.  Elder members of society often state that "time flies the older you get", and I guess they were right.  Problem being that I'm not the "old" yet, and if life goes by this
quickly while I'm 41, what is going to happen when I'm 80?  Will I blink and my life will be done?

Guess it's time to put the brakes on again, slow down, and enjoy life a little more.  I don't want to "wake up" and be 80, while trying to remember what I did in my life. 

So, am I the only one who feels this way?  I sure hope not!  Well, enough of a whine for 

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Egg Challenge

Some of you are aware that I have 11 laying hens and that I like to draw faces on the eggs and give them as this Easter a Aussie Fb friend said that he expected to see plenty of pictures of eggs with funny faces. He also requested that I make an Australian themed egg!  Oh my...mind you, this was yesterday and I hadn't even thought about decorating eggs.  I had everything ready for the kids to do it, but not myself. 

What to do...what to Aussie egg??!!  The first thing that came to mind was my favorite Aussie, Steve Irwin.  This man was amazing the short time he was with us, and I thought this could also be a nice tribute to him.  This is what I came up with:

Steve capturing a croc..right here in Maine!!  Amazing!

Steve getting a hug from the croc

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Laugh and Love

Easter/Passover Blessings everyone!  I hope that this holiday brings you much love and many laughs since that's what holidays are all about.

For me, one of the best parts of any holiday is pulling out the decorations, especially since I often forget what I have.  While decorating for Easter this year, I was thrill to pull out my favorite little candy box.  This was found at a junk sale and I just HAD to save it!  I couldn't believe that someone hadn't beat me to it.  The box brings back so many childhood memories..simpler times. I'm not sure that I want to but this away right after Easter may hang around until spring is over!  How could you not love this little box! :D

Top of the box

Well, I tried uploading more pictures, but with no I guess this will give you an idea :D


Friday, April 6, 2012

The Full Pink Moon of April

Anyone who knows me well, knows that I LOVE watching the night sky and especially the moon. 

Since the sky was super clear tonight, I decided on a whim to hop in the care and try and catch the moon rising from a hilltop near my home.  I was soooooo thrilled to see it just rising over the hill!  It was a sight of grandness...a huge orange ball shining down on the valley below.  Oh, I could have just watched it for hours. 

I was able to get a few pictures, but had to cut the trip short due to a child (who demanded to come along) who was scared because we were standing in front of a 200 year old cemetery while the moon was rising...Bad mommy choice lolol. 

I really hope that some of you got to see the fabulous moon tonight, if not here are a few pics to give you an idea of what I saw.  These pictures in no way do the scene justice, but I hope you enjoy them anyway :)

Full Pink Moon 2012

The moon was so orange...I wish you could see the detail

Shining on the Valley Below

One of my new favorite pictures
The view behind us was also amazing

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Giant Halo

From the title of my post, I bet you're thinking that I must have earned a giant halo tonight for being sweet or doing a good deed...right?  I wish!!  I was just lucky enough to watch in awe, and capture, a giant halo around the moon.  It was a beautiful sight.  I often wonder if I'm the only one who gets such a thrill from seeing sights in nature like these?  :)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Happy World Autism Awareness Day

Today has been declared World Autism Awareness Day, and is also a recognized day here in Maine.  It was a special day in my house since I have one of the 1 in 88 children on the spectrum.  My 12 year old boy was diagnosed with Aspergers Disorder in first grade, and living with AS has made our lives interesting in many ways. As part of WAAD, Autism Speaks had a campaign to "Light it up Blue", and through this campaign encouraged everyone to light up the night with blue in anyway they could.  As, luck would have it, we had an appoint in the "city" today and we were able to stop at Home Depot and buy our Blue light for Autism.  My son was impressed to see that HD carried blue lightbulbs especially for "him".

Tonight the our lamp post was shining bright in blue...and my son's smile was just as bright.  Worth the $1.98 and the 5 minutes it took to install betcha!! :) Though the following picture is a bit blurry (taken after dark) I thought I'd share it anyway. :)  

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Coincidence...I think not!!

Sometimes you just need to be pointed in the right direction
I've been debating about getting back to blogging since I have been have a great time visiting other bloggers pages, and reading about their lives. This past week I finally got the little push that I needed thanks to Pam.  While I was checking out some decorating blogs the other day, I came upon a linky party that was featuring folks favorite kitchen feature/item.  As I was clicking through pictures, I came across one that caught my eye, so I clicked on it.  The picture didn't take me directly to the kitchen picture that I was looking for, but took me to a wonderful group of pictures from King's Landing in New Brunswick Canada.  I was thrilled to look through them since we visited it when I was a child. and I only have one photo from the trip.  It was like I was looking through my old photos and my heart/soul were moved.  After looking through the pictures, I left a comment on the blogs page about my experience, and much to my surprise the lovely lady that the blog belongs to emailed me!  Pam encouraged me to start blogging was the gentle nudge that I needed!  Thank you so much!  Was it coincidence that I happened onto her page??  I think not...I believe that everyone is placed in your life for a reason! :)  Please go and visit Pam's lovely blog @  You won't be disappointed!